Volume 2 Issue 12 December, 2012 1. Rating scale to measure negative symptoms in schizophrenia was developed by a) Kraeplin b) Bleuler c) Schneider d) Nancy Andreasen 2. Melatonergic antidepressant is a) Mirtazapine b) Agomelatine c) Imipramine d) Blonanserin 3. Sudden involuntary twitching of small groups of muscles is a) Chorea b) Athetosis c)Tics d) […]
Volume 12 Issue 3 March, 2022 Professor Buti was born in 1933; her family migrated from Lahore to Delhi during the partition of India. She was an arts student in High School as Government School, where she got admission on migration to Delhi, did not have science as an option. Her father, a Gold Medalist […]