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Volume 11 Issues 4 April, 2021

There I stood, on the tallest building
Buried in silence, I could speak to the wind
Busy men and women walk the streets of Manhattan
But from where I stood, I was far too distant.

No happy faces bring joy to my soul
No cheering crowd mask my sorrows
I fought my battles, called it a phase
Cried out for help but none came my way.

Sooner or later I had to succumb
To this feeling beyond words, a void I cannot fill
Where dusk till dawn seems to be a life long
And each passing moment not worth reliving

A seed that cannot grow, a flower that cannot bloom
What purpose do I serve in this world so un-known
It’s a vicious cycle my friend, whose fault is it then
To these social norms, Alas! I do not belong.

A little compassion, a little diligence
A few words of courage, a moment of kindness
That’s all I ask for, that’s all it takes
But you choose trending hashtags and Instagram days

So here I stand on the tallest building
Now not so tall as the fall has begun
In search of solitude as I hit the floor
A journey I hope you folks never endure.

Gayathri, Final year MBBS, JSS Medical College, Mysore
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