
Reframe Assumptions: Myths & Facts about ‘Autism Spectrum Disorders’

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Volume 7 Issue 4 April, 2017

❌ Autism is a behavioural/emotional/mental health disorder.

✅ Autism related disorders are developmental disabilities and neuro-biological disorders.

❌ Autism spectrum disorders are caused by poor parenting or parental behaviour.

✅ Although multiple not-yet-known factors are responsible for autism, parental behaviour before, during or after pregnancy is not known to cause autism spectrum disorders.

❌ MMR vaccination increases risk of autism in children.

✅ There is absolutely no evidence of association of MMR vaccination with an increased risk of autism as reported by large scale studies.

❌ It is better to “wait and watch” if a child does better rather than refer the child for a proper diagnostic assessment.

✅ Early diagnosis and prompt treatment significantly improves outcomes in case of autism spectrum disorders.

❌ People with autism spectrum disorders cannot have successful lives.

✅ Many people with autism spectrum disorders are living successfully, working and contributing to the society.