Preventing Suicide: Reaching Out and Saving Lives

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Volume 5 Issue 9 September, 2015

Suicide is a major public health problem globally. Its impact on the family, friends and communities is tremendous and devastating. World Health Organization estimates that nearly one million people die by suicide every year, which accounts to about one death every forty seconds. Number of suicide attempts may be up to twenty times the number of deaths by suicide.

No single cause can explain the tragic phenomenon of suicide. It is a multi-determined phenomenon that occurs against a background of complex interacting biological, social, psychological and environmental risk and protective factors. Despite the complexity of the problem, suicides can be prevented.

Efforts are taken by individuals and organizations, to prevent suicides. The International Association for Suicide Prevention, along with World Health Organization earmarks 10th September, as World Suicide Prevention Day. The theme this year is ‘Preventing Suicide: Reaching Out and Saving Lives.’

Reaching out to those at risk of suicide

Road Traffic Accidents can occur to anyone. But the risk is very high if the brakes are not working, if the roads are steep, if the weather is too foggy or if the driver is feeling sleepy. Similarly, suicides can affect anyone but some groups are at a higher risk. Those with a history of previous suicide attempt, past or family history of mental illness or substance use disorder, long standing major physical illness and those who experience stressful life events are found to have a higher suicidal risk. Family members and friends of those who have committed suicide definitely form a vulnerable group.

Studies show that majority seeks medical help before committing suicide. Being aware of the warning signs will help you identify those in distress…

What to listen forWhat to watch for
Talking about being a burden to othersDisplaying extreme mood swings
Talking about unbearable painIncreased use of alcohol or drugs
Talking about revengeSleeping too little or too much
Talking about feeling hopeless/ helpless/purposeless in lifeFinal acts-like preparing a will/giving away cherished possessions
Talking about wanting to dieSocially withdrawn

Simple measures can help you prevent suicides. You can ACT by

A-Asking what is bothering them

C-Caring in a non-judgmental way

T-Taking professional help

Never leave them alone. Your timely intervention can save a life, a family…On the occasion of this World Suicide Prevention Day, let’s commit ourselves to reach out to our fellow beings in distress.

Dr.Anju Mathew, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Govt. Medical College, Trivandrum