Volume 13 Issues 1 January, 2023
What is but a fragment of infinity? Infinity again! If we believe in the hypothesis that our minds have been derived from an infinite expanse of divine consciousness by a process similar to multiple fission in plasmodium, our bodies too encapsulate an infinity, something that scientists of the century have termed as “the subconscious mind”. It expands beyond and stays within. This is the subconscious mind’s ability of “clairvoyance” and “clairaudience” as described by Dr. Joseph Murphy in his book, “The Powers Of Your Subconscious Mind“. He proposed that there are two major factors influencing the functioning of the subconscious mind namely “Autosuggestion” and “Heterosuggestion”. In context of all religions in this world, there is a great debate if they are products of introspective autosuggestion or imposed Heterosuggestion. Dwelling deep into the physiology of this very body of ours, what is likely for anyone to conclude is that directly or indirectly, the numerology defining our internal physiology corresponds to the numerology characterizing our religions. For example, Indians have deemed death as a source of ultimate peace. This could be the reason why 13 proteins of mitochondria (an organelle involved in programmed cell death or apoptosis) manifests as the famous concept of ‘Trayodashi vrat‘ (fasting on the 13th day of the month) in the name of Lord Shiva, God of destruction in Hinduism. Christianity highlights death as a painful dilemma. Therefore, those same 13 proteins reincarnate as the 13th Apostle turning out to be the reason behind Jesus’ crucifixion by the virtue of treachery. What I want to put forth is that the mental choices of these numerological characters defining our faith revealing a similarity with numbers characterizing our physiology gives an indication to the presence of some hidden mechanism by which physiology affects psychology. On the fundamental of body’s life processes, the infinite spiritual mental subconsciousness somehow gets shaped as finite substantial cerebral consciousness. All the pathogens are like heterosuggestion trying to deviate this process of influence of normal physiology on psychology. Therefore, realization of the vitality of one’s own in vivo metabolism as the most powerful form of inherited defence reminds us of how evolution has silently improvised our kind mentally too and how ontogeny has repeated phylogeny not just physically but also psychologically. The beauty of this mystery is that we utilize it but we don’t even attempt to comprehend it. That is why in the face of epidemic adversity, we tend to forget it.
But amidst the storm of apocalypse, Only humans could intelligently rise, Because those mental and physical chips, Are enjoyed by only those who are wise…
Amazing, Ayush.
Thank you very much Uncle🙏🏻🙇♂️
A great write out, trying to bring together different aspects of mind and social outlook and their impact.
Thank you Sir🙏🏻🙇♂️