
Nicotine de addiction – Myths & Facts

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Volume 2 Issue 1 January, 2012

❌ To Quit smoking is dangerous adventure as saying goes once a smoker, always a smoker.

✅ Smoking can be discontinued safely at anytime and it is never harmful to give up smoking.

❌ Smoking has health benefits as it reduces tension and gives relief, filtered cigarette or cigars/ Hooka are better.

✅ Any form of nicotine is harmful to health and leads to addiction. Smoking has NO health benefits & it is this
‘sense of relief’ from smoking which makes one dependent.

❌ There is drug or injection which can make you quit smoking at one go.

✅ There is no magic drug or Injection that can stop a person from smoking. Through motivational interview patient
decides to quit which can be sudden or planned. Withdrawal features & craving can be managed by available
medications such Bupropion, Naltexone,Varnicline or replacement agents like nicotine gums/patch. Same
principle are used for Nicotine addiction in any form like snuff, Gutka etc.

❌ To quit smoking one has to go to specialized de-addiction centers and the process is costly.

✅ To quit smoking one can seek guidance at any medical center, it is very affordable at all medical college hospitals
and Psychiatrist or Physician can guide to those who wish to quit.


Compiled by – Dr. Lohit kumar V R, Intern, AIMS