
Myths & Facts about “Anxiety Disorder”

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Volume 4 Issue 8 Aug 2014

❌Some people are just worrywarts or neurotic, and there is nothing like anxiety disorder.

✅If anxiety is impairing and causing socio- occupational deterioration, it is no longer normal and needs treatment.

❌If I take it lightly, it will be fine and no need for treatment.

✅One cannot just overcome pathological anxiety by ‘will-power’. It needs professional help. Anxiety if untreated can be disabling and can lead to other morbidity like depression, substance use disorder etc.

❌Take a ‘drink’ to release your anxiety..!

✅Consuming alcohol might just relieve the anxiety momentarily but eventually worsens the condition.

❌If you have an anxiety disorder, it is important to avoid stress and situations that make you feel “stressed.”

✅Avoiding anxiety tends to reinforce it. You can still do whatever you have to do with help of proper medication and psychotherapy