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Volume 3 Issue 2 February, 2013

1. Which of these is correct about Agoraphobia

a) Fear of animals b) fear of heights c) fear of open spaces d) fear of closed

2. ‘Schizoaffective Disorder’ was coined by

a) Jacob Kasanin b) August Hoch c) George Kirby d) John Cooper

3. Which of these is not mature defenses

a) Suppression b) Humor c) Anticipation d) Repression

4. Psychosocial crises of Trust or Mistrust according to Freud is related to _ Phase of Development

a) Oral b) Anal c) Phallic d) None


1. Fear of Open spaces
2. Jacob Kasanin
3. Repression
4. Oral

By Dr Vinay Kumar, PG Resident, Dept of Psychiatry,
JSS Medical college Hospital, Mysore