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Volume 8 Issue 11 November, 2018

1. Cause of Narcolepsy involves the loss of __ releasing neurons within lateral hypothalamus
a. Ghrelin b. Oxytocin c. Orexin d. Noradrenaline

2. Which is not a risk factor for tardive dyskinesia?
a. Female Sex b. Hypertension c. Drug Holiday d. Organic Brain damage

3. A maneuver aimed to seperate organic from non-organic paresis of the leg.
a. Rosenbach Sign b. Dalrymple Sign c. Allan’s Sign d. Hoover Sign

4. Which of these is not a risk factor for clozapine induced agranulocytosis
a. Male sex b. Eosinophilia c. Elderly age d. HLA Haplotypes

5. All are true for lewy body dementia except
a. Visual hallucinations b. Fluctuating cognition c. Contraindication for antipsychotic use d. emotional lability


  1. c
  2. b
  3. d
  4. a
  5. d