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Volume 5 Issue 4 Apr 2015

1. Sexual aversion disorder is associated with which of the following?

a. Anxiety b. Disgust c. Depression d. All of the above

2. Which of the following has been shown to be beneficial in smoking cessation?

a. Sertraline b. Imipramine c. Bupropion d. Desvenlafaxine

3. A tic that involves gesturing obscenities.

a. Coprolalia b. Encopresis c. Guilles-de-la Tourettes syndrome d. Copropraxia

4. Also known as Voyeurism

a. Coprophillia b. Scopophillia c. Klismaphillia d. Scatologia

5. Tardive dyskinesia is associated with: a. Use of lithium b Chronic blockade of dopaminergic receptors

c. Anti-Parkinson’s medications d. Short use of neuroleptics


  1. d
  2. c
  3. d
  4. b
  5. b

By Dr Anisha Landage, Resident, Dept of Psychiatry, MGM Medical College & Hosp, Navi Mumbai