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Volume 4 Issue 6 June, 2014

1. The commonest form of Puerperal psychosis is,

a) Organic b) Schizophreniform c) Anxiety d) Affective

2. Which of the following sedato-hypnotic drug is contraindicated in acute intermittent porphyria,

a) Chloral hydrate b) Alprazolam c) Hydroxyzine d) Buspirone

3. Which of the following stage of NREM sleep has the longest duration,

a) Stage 1 b) Stage 2 c) Stage 3 d) Stage 4

4. An EEG pattern of a slow wave followed by a quick sharp spike of 3 per second intervals is found in,

a) Meningioma b) Subdural haematoma c) Petitmal Epilepsy d) Psychomotor Epilepsy


  1. Affective
  2. Chloral hydrate
  3. Stage 2
  4. Petitmal Epilepsy