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Volume 4 Issue 3 March, 2014

1. Teratogenic risk for Psychotropic drugs is high between

a) 1 to 3 weeks b) 4 to 8 weeks c) 10 to 14 weeks d) >14 weeks

2. Treatment of ADHD involves the following drugs except

a) Amphetamines b) Antidepressants c) Barbiturates d. Lithium Carbonate

3. About Gille de tourette syndrome

a) Upperlimb Tics b) Appears prior to 7 years of age c) Shouting obscene words d) All of the above

4. Eczema, blonde hair, blue eyes and mental retardation are features of

a) Phenylketonuria b) Tuberous sclerosis c) Toxoplasmosis d) Cretinism


  1. 4 to 8 wks
  2. Barbiturates
  3. All of the above
  4. Phenylketonuria