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Volume 3 Issue 9 September, 2013

1. Which among the following is a neurotic defense mechanism

a) Regression b) Humour c) Denial d) Repression

2. All are first generation antipsychotics except

a. Pimozide b. Haloperidol c) Risperidone d) Thoridazine

3. The onset of autism is usually before the age of

a) 3 years b) 4 years c) 5 years d) 6 years

4. The person who established new ,humane treatment for inmates of asylum and called morale treatment of
insanity is

a) Johann Reil b) Philippe Pinel c) Benjamin Rush d) Thomas Sutton


  1. Repression
  2. Risperidone
  3. 3 years
  4. Philippe Pinel