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Volume 11 Issue 8 August, 2021


4. First reported in 1825, this syndrome was named by Jean-Martin Charcot after his intern at the time. Characters like “Mr. Pancks” in Charles Disckens’ ‘Little Dorrit’ and “Nikolai Levin” in Leo Tolstoy’s ‘Anna Karenina’ are said to be portrayals of this disorder. Name this syndrome, characterized by tics, and occasionally coprolalia.

7. In 1927, Dr Julius Wagner-Jauregg became the first psychiatrist to win a Nobel Prize for his innovative method of treating psychosis and neurological sequelae of a particular disease entity. This stage of the disease had earlier been regarded incurable, but his technique of inducing a fever by introducing malarial parasites into his patients was remarkably effective and won him the Nobel Prize. Which disease, caused by a warmth-hating microbe?

8. Drug research during the second world war saw increasing interest in producing synthetic antihistamines. In 1949, French military surgeon Henri Laborit tested a small amount of X as a preventative for shock and was one of the first physicians to note its antipsychotic properties, noting that it produced a “euphoric quietude” in patients. The invention of the first antipsychotic medication chlorpromazine followed soon after. Identify X.

9. You may know Emil Fischer as the scientist who gave the lock and key enzyme hypothesis. You may know Joseph von Mering as one of the scientists who helped to discover insulin. Together, what sleepy class of drugs did the two invent in 1903?

10. In his 18th century tales, Baron von X claimed to have fought against a 40-foot, 7-inch crocodile, to have danced a Scottish jig in the stomach of a huge fish that had swallowed him and his friends, to have ridden on a cannon ball, to have thrown his silver axe so far that it was stuck in the moon, etc. Which psychiatric condition is named after his propensity for exaggerated and untruthful claims?


1.While the credit for the discovery of the use in treatment of this element for bipolar disorder is given to Australian psychiatrist John Cade, ancient Greeks, and Romans – the ones who coined the terms ‘mania’ and ‘melancholia’ – had made the correlation nearly 2000 years power, noting that baths with salts of the element calmed manic patients, and lifted the spirits of depressed ones. Which element?

2. This powerful antipsychotic was synthesized in the 1950s by Paul Janssen, though his intention was to make a powerful analgesic like morphine. They tinkered with the synthetic opioid meperidine, and after 44 iterations, they synthesized this powerful molecule, named after the two halogen atoms in its structure. Name the drug.

3. “It is incomparably superior to the older sedatives, such as morphine and chloral, and none of the newer ones, in my opinion, approach it in value as a remedy for controlling paroxysms of furious excitement and turbulent maniacal outbreaks.” Which drug, described by Drapes in 1889, which today you may have used when you had abdominal cramps or motion sickness?

5. This syndrome is now named eponymously after the two clinicians who described it. The first, in 1881, described an illness that consisted of paralysis of eye movements, ataxia, and mental confusion, in 3 patients. He felt that the disease was inflammatory in origin and therefore named it polioencephalitis hemorrhagica superioris. The second, a Russian psychiatrist recorded a disturbance in memory with polyneuropathy, dubbing the syndrome ‘psychosis polyneuritica’. Today, we know that this syndrome is caused by the deficiency of a specific vitamin, most seen together with another clinical entity. Name the vitamin.

6. After World War II, the company Hoffman-LaRoche obtained large quantities of hydrazine, a component of German rocket fuel. Using this, they created two molecules to treat tuberculosis – the famous isoniazid, and iproniazid. 5 years later, clinicians reported that depressed tuberculosis patients became less depressed while on iproniazid. Further refinements were made on the drug to create this class of antidepressant, that forces patients to avoid gourmet wines and cheeses while using it. Which class of drug, in its 4-letter abbreviation?

Answer Key:


4. Tourette

7. Syphilis

8. Promethazine

9. Barbiturates

10. Munchausen


1. Lithium

2. Haloperidol

3. Hyoscine

5. Thiamine


Student Editor MINDS, Miss Dhwani, St. John Medical College, Bangalore