From The Desk of the Editor

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Volume 4 Issue 10 Oct 2014

(SIDE) Q!!

Surprised with the jargon?

Throughout the development of a child, important parameters are monitored are child’s developmental quotient (DQ) and social quotient (SQ). It is the child’s ability to develop various motor, social and language functions as desired appropriate for their age. Later, as child starts attending school and starts studying, intelligence is given maximum importance and IQ becomes a vital parameter to judge their performance. Any deviations in these domains are promptly taken into account and measures are taken to improve them.

Least attended however almost equally important domain is EQ… i.e. emotional quotient, a measure of person’s adequacy in areas of self-awareness, empathy, and dealing sensitively with other people. A good EQ helps one to identify emotions of self as well as others and develop reciprocation accordingly. It has been observed that general intelligence and emotional intelligence correlate closely with each other and are integral part of one’s success. To develop EQ, we need to reduce our stress, identify & deal with our emotions, improve non verbal communication with others and regularly obtain feedback from others to improve upon empathy and behaviour of self.

Let our IQ get an additional advantage of EQ to create successful MINDs.

Dr Shubhangi S. Dere, DNB, DPM
Assistant Professor, MGMIHS, Navi Mumbai