From The Desk of Editor

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Volume 7 Issue 9 September, 2017

Remember “Non-Pharmacological Management” Me

About 4.1 million (2-3%) live with dementia in India (50-60% is Alzheimer’s disease). Currently there is no cure for Alzheimer’s dementia. Patients are usually brought to hospital in moderate or severe stages. Pharmacological management is mainly aimed at decreasing the progression, treating the behavioral problems, co morbidities and to some extent improving cognitive and global performance especially in early stages with limited success in late stages. However these medications come with their own cost and side effects which further increases the burden on individual and caregivers. Non pharmacological management still remains the mainstay of management for improving the quality of life, however this is the scarcely adapted in many centers and by caregivers. Unlike western countries, this fact is very true with respect to India where there is decreased awareness and knowledge regarding the illness and availability of different types of treatment, increased number of patients in hospital OPDs/IPs with less amount of time spent on
each patients, economic status of the caregivers, limited short and long term facilities, and support programmes for patients and caregivers, governmental policies/initiative and stigma. However, there are steps being taken currently in developing countries to improve the quality of life of patients with dementia. Caregiver’s support is as important as patient’s, otherwise likely chances of them landing up in frustration, exhaustion and depression which will indirectly affect the treatment and will lead to abuse, neglect of the patients.

Let us Remember “Non pharmacological management-to spend little more time” while treating dementia with medicines which will improve the quality of life of patients and caregivers

Dr. Sanjay T Naik, Senior Resident, Dept of Psychiatry
MVJ Medical College & Research Hospital, Bengaluru