From the desk of Editor

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Volume 2 Issues 7 , 2021

Celebrating One Year of MINDS Newsletter with all our Readers & Well wishers

The Editorial team is thankful to each of you for utilizing this newsletter, supporting and encouraging us in all possible ways as we complete one year. The Journey of this Newsletter began on July 2011. We are happy that newsletter continues to be concise, original in format, each section of newsletter turns out to be useful to different group of readers and moreover it is being issued online before 10th of every month. Celebrating our first anniversary with you, makes our task more enjoyable ahead with upcoming issues, in all new outlook as MINDS as Wellbeing Begins in Our MINDS. We look forward for your active involvement and support.

As a mark of first anniversary, we are glad to inform you that an experimental website exclusive for MINDS Newsletter has been launched, where all archives are available at the click of button. Please visit us at
minds newsletterhttp://www.mindsnewsletter.com
Dr.K.Kiran Kumar, Asst Prof of Psychiatry at Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences will be our web editor.

Department of Psychiatry, AIMS