Elective in Psychiatry UG-CBME

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Volume 12 Issues 8 August, 2022

Dr. Dheerendra Kumar Mishra M.D., D.N.B. Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, Shyam Shah Medical College, Rewa

Competency Based Medical Education (CBME) was implemented by National Medical Council (NMC) for undergraduate medical education program to create Indian Medical Graduate (IMG) from academic year 2019-2020 onward.CBME not only a competency driven but it also includes other newer components (BOX 1). Elective clinical posting one of the importance newer components of CBME.

Newer components of CBME
1.   Foundation Course
2.   Early Clinical Exposure
3.  Electives
4.   Professional Development including Attitude
Ethics and Communication Module (AETCOM)

5.   Learner-doctor method of clinical training
(Clinical Clerkship)
6.   Skill training

The purpose of electives in CBME provide the opportunity for learner to explore, experience, and disserve the area of interest within curriculum. In CBME curriculum, two-month elective posting is schedule in block 1 (1 month) and block 2(1 month). Block 1 is just after the end of 3rd MBBS part 1 and block 2 is before commencement of 3rd MBBS part 2. The activities, scope, nature of posting and other key features of block 1 & 2 is discussed in BOX 2.

BOX 2Block 1Block 2
WhenEnd of the of IIIrd MBBS part 1Before commencement of IIIrd MBBS part 2
Duration4 weeks4 weeks
Focus of electivePre-/para – clinical disciplines or in other basic sciences laboratory or join ongoing research programsClinical specialties or community clinics (rural or urban)
Nature of learningSupervised, Experiential Immersive, Self-directedSupervised, Experiential Immersive, Self-directed
Regular clinical postingWill continueWill not be offered
Attendance75% is mandatory75% is mandatory
AssessmentFormative Record of activities in logbook and portfolio.Formative Record of activities in logbook and portfolio.
Out of institution experienceAllowed but difficultAllowed
Out of city or state experienceAllowed but difficultAllowed with due approval
CBME-Box 2

Medical Education unit (MEU) in medical college is coordinate and ensure the effective implementation of electives according to CBME. MEU usually constituted two committees for implementation of elective block 1 & 2 respectively under the chairmanship of Dean.

Each college can adopt own mechanism to allot the electives but have predetermined name, nature and topics for elective, supervisor, no of learner, available resources and infrastructures. Each department submits the available electives postings in their department in prescribed template (Table 1) to MEU. MEU will preferably make available the list of electives to the learners at the beginning of the academic year.

Table 1: Template for elective

Name of Elective
Name of Block
Location of hospital lab or research facility
Name of internal preceptor(s)
Name of external preceptor (if any)
Learning objectives of the elective
Number of students that can be accommodated in this elective
Prerequisites for the elective
Learning resources for students
List of activities in which the student will participate
Portfolio entries required
Logbook entry required
Other comments

In our institute commonly adopted mechanism to allocate elective is displayed in Fig. 1 and some topic  also suggested for elective in Psychiatry (BOX 3). In each block of elective posting more than 75 % attended is compulsory to attend final year exam and in each block assessment, record keeping e.g: logbook , portfolio is mandatory.


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