Transcultural Psychiatry


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Volume 10 Issue 9 September, 2019

Psychiatry as a field has been evolving since its very beginning and hence the spectrums of diagnosis have also expanded with the same. The spectrum to join the ever growing visual field of psychiatrists is the newest entrant‘ internet addiction’.

Multiple studies have paved the way for the inclusion of this with a criteria of its own. Agreement to the presence of this is in the present generation is met with a resenting yes but how bad is the real situation. The thought of its immering to break out in the coming generation makes it a serious cause for concern.

Before we beg into help others, the addiction within us has to be addressed. The number of doctors glued to the phones around us itself drives the old ad agehome; To help one self before we help others. The discussions on burn out among doctors is a raging issue but little do we know that interacting with another stethoscope holder would help all eviate some steam. How many of us do really involve doing the same is the primary question. Coffee corners, nursing stations, lecture halls have all turned to mini internet cafes where in each one is engaged in his own world of hash tags and blue ticks with invisible walls separating each one of us.

The fact that just as people on the other side of the consultation room experience varied possible emotions, we too feel the same. Doctors waiting to ventilate are many, the only thing missing are ears to heed to them. The times we would have heard a fellow doctor mentioning some stress and would have changed his affect immediately for the next ticket number.

Hence the hash tag: why don’t we put these things down and start talking!

These phones are the epitome of the concept of “Social Paradox” where in we are social in the unreal world but not so much in the real one. Burn out is a brewing topic and this has added fuel to the same. The need for an amiable work environment is definitely the primary criteria which each one of us would sincerely yearn for in a workplace, but little do we realise that once in the system, the key to the same is with each one of us. As imples mile can oblite rate the walls of anxiety and help any one settle in. The quote “Making one persons mile can change the world, not the whole world, but his world ”definitely does stand true.

There is no denying the fact that the field we are inisde finitely draining and has pulled us down on certain days but a careful rewind would remind us of someone we knew that we spoke to about and hence why not wear the cloak of selflessness and light up someone else’s day.

The fact that our specialty does deal with this does put us at an added advantage of being thefore for helping others. We can take the initiative on holding interactive sessions, reach out initiatives and the most basic of the mall: smile with a communicable happy affect.

We do speak of depression and other psychiatric disorders being the next big thing in the future, and hence we should be capable to detect it and not culpable. Lets help our fellow doctors to say “C’estlavie” and move on with as mile, that the barriers they face are for them alone.

We do repeat that this journey is only once, so why not take the decision to Drop the fown, the phone and the negativity.

Dr. Ajay Thomas Kurien
Junior Resident, St. John’s Medical College Hospital, Bangalore