Volume 4 Issue 1 January, 2014 Across: 5. Deviations from normal sexual behaviors 6. Bear Lithia Water Down: 1. Repetitive hair pulling 2. Viagra 3. Paradoxical diarrhea 4. Death Instinct ANSWER: ACROSS Paraphilia Lithium DOWN Trichotillomania Sildenafil Encopresis Thanatos
Volume 4 Issue 1 January, 2014 1. Which of the following drug can be used for ADHD? a) Nalaxone b) Trazadone c) Guanafacine d) Buspirone 2. Which of the following is serious adverse event of Trazodone? a) Cheese reaction b) Priapism c) Atrial Fibrillation d) Bone marrow suppression 3. All the following causes of dementia […]
Can you cross the crosswords!!!
Volume 3 Issue 12 December, 2013 Across: 2. Neal Miller demonstrated this 6. Purposeful setting of fires Down: 1. An enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior 3. Greek word which means sleep 4. Social and Cultural influences on suicide 5. Approximate answers ANSWERS: ACROSS 2. Biofeedback 6. Pyromania DOWN 1. Personality 3. Hypnosis 4. […]
Volume 3 Issue 12 December, 2013 1. The term dementia praecox was coined by a) Emil Krapelin b) Sigmund Freud c) Eugen Bleuler d) Kurt Schneider 2. All are mature defense mechanisms except a) Altruism b) Anticipation c) Sexualization d) Sublimation 3. Serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors include a) Venlafaxine b) Duloxetine c) Milnacipran d) All […]
Can you cross the crosswords!!!
Volume 3 Issue 11 November, 2013 Phenomenology Across 2. Normal range of mood 4. Pervasive and sustained feeling tone 6. Unconscious filling of gaps in memory 8. Dulled emotional tone associated with detachment or indifference Down 1. Abnormal fear of closed or confining spaces 3. False sensory perception 5. False, fixed, unshakable belief 7. Feeling […]
Volume 3 Issue 11 November, 2013 1. All are parasomias related to NREM sleep except a) Confusional arousal b) Sleep walking c) Sleep terrors d) Recurrent Sleep Paralysis 2. Epigenetic psychosexual and psychosocial development was given by a) Sigmund Freud b) Eric Erikson c) Margaret Mahler d) Karl Abraham 3. The antidepressant which is most […]
Volume 3 Issue 10 October, 2013 1. Side effect of lithium includes a) Tremors b) Polyuria c) Hypothyroidism d) All of the above 2. Bleulers primary symptoms of Schizophrenia include all except a) Abnormal association b) Autistic Thinking c) Abnormal Affect d) Akinesia 3. Percentage of people with alchohol intoxication or withdrawal going into delirium […]
Volume 3 Issue 10 October, 2013 Across 1. Purposeful fire-setting 3. Approximate Answers 5. Venus’s curse Down 2. Projective Test 4. ‘To be seized’ ANSWERS: ACROSS 1. Pyromania 3. Vorbeireden 5. Syphilis DOWN 2. Rorschach 4. Epilepsy
Volume 3 Issue 9 September, 2013 Identify The Famous Persons! Across Concept of Archetypes Coined the word ‘Dissociation’ Theory of Individual Psychology Father of Psychology Introduced the word Eragasiology Down The four ‘A’s of Schizophrenia ANSWERS ACROSS Carl Jung Pierre Janet Alfred Adler Sigmund Freud Adolf Meyer DOWN Eugen Bleuler
Volume 3 Issue 9 September, 2013 1. Which among the following is a neurotic defense mechanism a) Regression b) Humour c) Denial d) Repression 2. All are first generation antipsychotics except a. Pimozide b. Haloperidol c) Risperidone d) Thoridazine 3. The onset of autism is usually before the age of a) 3 years b) 4 […]