Volume 7 Issue 10 October, 2017 ANSWERS ACROSS 1. Munchausen 4. Kleinelevine 5. Psychopathic 7. Qigong 8. Bignami DOWN 2. Hypernycthemeral 3. Rett 6. Canavan
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Volume 7 Issue 9 September, 2017 ANSWERS ACROSS 1. Autism 5. Somnambulism 11. Loewi 12. Pavlow 13. Mood 14. Freud 15. Bruxism 17. Narcolepsy 18. Piaget 19. Necrophilia 20. Obsession DOWN 2. Yoga 3. CAGE 4. Lithium 6. Grandior 7. Alogia 9. Cocaine 10. Fetish 16. Shellshock
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Volume 8 Issue 8 August, 2017 ANSWERS ACROSS 3. Mitmachen 4. Gerstman 7. Pareidolia 8. Extracampine 9. Vorbeireden 10. Dravet DOWN 1. Dysmegalopsia 2. Ribot 5. Autoscopy 6. Millerdeiker
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Volume 7 Issue 7 July, 2017 Across 5. Feature of schizophrenia where patient considers two things identical because they share a common property 6. According to Jellinek, Malignant alcoholism is considered __ species 8. De Clerambault syndrome is also known as 9. Division of mental apparatus into Id, Ego & Superego was done by.. 10. […]
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Volume 7 Issue 6 June, 2017 Across 2. The use of inanimate objects for sexual arousal is called 5. This test is colloquially called as ‘truth serum test’ 6. Legal document by which a person, expresses their wishes as to how their property is to be distributed at death, or managed there after. 8. The […]
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Volume 7 Issue 5 May, 2017 Across 2. Other name for negativism 3. Most common complication of catatonia 4. Hyperpyrexia occurs in this type of catatonia 7. Class of drugs associated with development of catatonia 8. Extreme form of automatic obedience Down 1. Drug class of choice to treat catatonia 5. Decreased activity of this […]
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Volume 7 Issue 4 April, 2017 Across 5. Italian sculptor of the Renaissance credited for works like ‘David’ said to be suffering from autism spectrum disorder 6. Syndrome characterized by acquired microcephaly no longer considered under autism spectrum disorder as per DSM-V 7. Infantile autism was described for the first time in 1943 by 9. […]
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Volume 7 Issue 3 March, 2017 Across 3. Reaction caused by tyramine in this food content when MAO inhibiters are given 6. Emergent side effect of stimulants characterized by involuntary, spasmodic, stereotyped movement of small groups of muscles 7. Serious haematological adverse effect of clozapine 8. Syndrome caused by toxicity of this neurotransmitter characterized by […]
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Volume 7 Issue 2 February, 2017 Across 4. CNS side-effect unique to Clozapine 5. Metabolic syndrome (i.e. T2DM, dyslipidemia and weight gain) is a major adverse effect of this agent 6. Acts as a partial agonist at D2 receptor 8. Atypical anti-psychotic most commonly associated with QTc prolongation Down 1. Increase in the serum levels […]
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Volume 7 Issue 1 January, 2017 Across 3. Compulsive buying disorder is also called as (9) 6. Infective agent causing Creutzfeldt Jacob Disease is (5) 7. This syndrome is a triad of infantile spasms, hypsarrythmia and developmental regression (4) 8. Degree of personal awareness and understanding of illness (7) Down 1. Lack of the ability […]