CL Psychiatry

Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome

Volume 7 Issue 7 July, 2017 Consultation Liaison Psychiatry Focus: Dermatology Case scenario: A 4-year-old female child was brought by her parents to the OPD with the sudden onset of painful skin lesions since 3 days. On enquiring the parents gave history of similar lesions occurring suddenly in the child since almost a year. However, […]

CL Psychiatry

Gut microbiome and mental health

Volume 7 Issue 5 May, 2017 Consultation Liaison Psychiatry Focus: Microbiology Much before the advent of modern medicine and systematic studies in mental health and neurosciences, diet has beenhypothesized to be an important factor in maintaining mental health. Special mention to be made here is Ancient Indian Medicine – Ayurveda laid special emphasis on diet. […]

CL Psychiatry

Autism in Children

Volume 7 Issue 4 April, 2017 Introduction: Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder characterized by defects in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors and interests. In addition they have unusual responses to certain sensory experiences. Many children with autism have mental retardation. This disorder is seen in 3-4 per thousand children and […]

CL Psychiatry

Psychotropic Drugs: How to monitor them

Volume 7 Issue 3 March, 2017 Consultation Liaison Psychiatry Focus: Biochemistry Drugs used in Psychiatric practice frequently have narrow therapeutic indices and their serum levels need to be monitored for patients’ safety and desired drug action. The tricyclic anti-depressants have almost complete GI absorption but they have a significant first pass metabolism at the liver. […]

CL Psychiatry

Trichotelomania and Trichobezoar

Volume 7 Issue 2 February, 2017 Consultation Liaison Psychiatry Focus: Paediatric Surgery Colloquially termed as a hairball, it’s a collection of impacted hairs along with ingested food formed in the stomach and sometimes intestine. A commonly described term by veterinary physicians formed in the stomach of animals that is occasionally vomited up when it becomes […]

CL Psychiatry

Cognitive deficits – Traumatic brain injury

Volume 7 Issue 1 January, 2017 Consultation Liaison Psychiatry Focus: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality and is becoming a public health concern in India. TBI often results in chronic disability. It adversely impacts cognitive and behavioral functioning and hence results in vocational impairment. TBI […]

CL Psychiatry

Psychiatry & Internal Medicine – an inseparable link

Volume 6 Issue 12 December, 2016 Consultation Liaison Psychiatry Focus: Internal Medicine Internal medicine and Psychiatry are sisters in the real sense. Patients having medical problems often have co-existing psychiatric disorders, appropriate diagnosis and management often improves patient outcomes. The origin of Psychiatry as a new specialty was based on the principle of inseparability of […]

CL Psychiatry

Psychiatric aspects related to dialysis and renal transplant

Volume 6 Issue 11 November, 2016 Consultation Liaison Psychiatry Focus: Nephrology Let me start with an incidence which shook me off from my slumber. I believed that my communication skills and ability to diagnose depression were reasonably good till this incidence. A well-educated middle aged male with diabetes, hypertension and end stage renal disease who […]

CL Psychiatry

Role of Psychiatry in Otorhinolaryngology

Volume 6 Issue 10 October, 2016 Consultation Liaison Psychiatry Focus: Otorhinolaryngology Symptom is a deviation from normal functioning which is noticed by a patient and is often perceived as herald of a disease. A symptom is subjective, observed by the patient and cannot be measured objectively. On the other hand, sign is directly observable and […]