Can you cross the crosswords!!

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Volume 12 Issue 1 January, 2022

1. Seen in catatonia; Patient allows extremities to be placed in any position without resistance despite instruction not to do so
2. Psychological phenomenon responsible for seeing shape face in clouds
3. Patient claim that heshe hears voices from Landon when heshe is in Bangalore
4. De Clerambault syndrome is also known as
5. Culture bound syndrome where a person has a fit of rage runs about indiscriminately injuring people that come his way
6. Feature of schizophrenia where patient considers two things identical because they share a common property
7. Drug class of choice to treat catatonia
8. Classical symptom of catatonia
9. Hyperpyrexia occurs in this type of catatonia
10. Reaction caused by tyramine in this food content when MAO inhibitors are given
11. Serious haematological adverse effect of clozapine
12. Emergent side effect of stimulants characterized by the involuntary, spasmodic, stereotyped movement of small groups of muscles
13. Subjective feeling of motor restlessness manifested by a compelling need to be in constant movement
14. Side effect of SSRIs effect this sexual phenomenon in men
15. Extrapyramidal side effect of potent antipsychotics consisting of slow, sustained contractions leading to relatively sustained postural deviations