Can you cross the crosswords!!

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Volume 11 Issues 11 November, 2021

1. A water soluble vitamin
2. Delusions concerning infidelity of one’s spouse is…..syndrome
3. Personality disorder characterized by Suspicion
4. Psychiatrist who developed progressive relaxation
5. Naltrexone acts on
6. This syndrome is a part of infantile spasms
7. Disease of inability to fall asleep
8. Tactile hallucinations are seen in dependence


NEWS: MINDS newsletter going to conduct a national crossword competition for medical undergraduates, the details will be shared shortly. 

How to participate?

  • Step 1: Subscribed to MINDS Newsletter (Subscribe to MINDS
  • Step 2: Register for the MINDS crossword contest (Registration
  • Step 3: Wait to receive a confirmatory message
  • Step 4: Upload a screenshot of the completed crossword 
  • Step 5: A Registered and confirmed undergraduate who has submitted crossword will be selected randomly by lottery method


  • It is compulsory to subscribe to the MINDS newsletter
  • All undergraduates should fill the crossword registration form
  • Only currently pursuing MBBS students including or currently undergoing Internship can participate
    *if you face any visibility issue on mobile then, please open the crossword on desktop or laptop.