Can you cross the crosswords!!

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Volume 6 Issue 12 December, 2016


3. Chinese culture bound syndrome of morbid fear of death caused by retraction of genitals into abdomen (4)

4. Incontinence of urine during sleep (9)

5. Sign named after resemblance to Greek letter, sometimes found in forehead of depressed patients (5)

7. Named delusion of misidentification of familiar people occurs in strangers (7)

8. Type of speech characterized by reduction in the quantity of spontaneous speech (7)


1. Inability to recall the names of objects (6)

2. Sleep-like state of reduced consciousness and activity (6)

6. Condition of euphoric behavior, indifference, lack of foresight, often found in frontal lobe lesions (5)



3. Koro

4. Eneuresis

5. Sigma

7. Fregoli

8. Laconic


1. Anomia

2. Trance

6. Moria