Volume 6 Issue 9 September, 2016
1. Psychodynamic psychotherapy based on the principles of psychoanalysis (5)
4. Classified psychosis as manic depressive psychosis and dementia praecox (8)
7. Theory of self-actualization (6)
8. Individual psychology which saw individuals as unique biological entities (5)
2. Epigenetic principle which is the basis of stages of ego development across the life cycle (7)
3. Phenomenological approach in psychiatry (7)
5. Mother Child attachment central to attachment theory (6)
6. Cognitive development in children based on principles of genetic epistemology (6)
1. Freud
4. Kraeplin
7. Maslow
8. Adler
2. Erikson
3. Jaspers
5. Bowlby
6. Piaget