Can you cross the crosswords!!

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Volume 6 Issue 8 August, 2016


3. Named syndrome of delusional parasitosis and infestation

4. Perception of vivid familiar patterns from a random stimulus, usually visual

6. Neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, language and stereotypies.

8. Involuntary spasmodic stereotyped movement of small groups of muscles


1. Persistent, pathological, unrealistic, intense fear of an object or situation

2. Feeling that current situation is already seen or experienced

5. Hormone secreted by adipose tissue which inhibits hunger

7. Widespread generalized responses of the body to various situations or events



3. Ekbom

4. Pareidolia

6. Autism

8. Tic


1. Phobia

2. Dejavu

5. Leptin

7. Stress