Can you cross the crosswords!!

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Volume 5 Issue 4 Apr 2015


1. hormone produced by pineal gland (9)

5. a motivational syndrome seen in the use of (8)

6. an expressed emotion (9)

7. melatonin receptor agonist (9)

8. a personality disorder with a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, fantasies of unlimited success and power, need
for admiration (12)


2. one of the triad in wernicke’s encephalopathy (6)

3. an anaesthetic agent recently being studied for use in the treatment of depression (8)

4. a personality disorder with a pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality ,attention seeking, self dramatization
,theatricality (10)



1. Melatonin

5. Cannabis

6. Hostility

7. Ramelteon

8. Narcissistic


2. Ataxia

3. Ketamine

4. Histrionic

By Dr Smitha Tarachandra, Resident, Department of Psychiatry K S Hegde Medical College