Can you cross the crosswords!!

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Volume 4 Issue 10 Oct 2014


3. unconscious internalisation of the qualities of an object or person (12)

4. procedure which brings unconscious conflicts and associated emotions to conscious awareness for the first time (10)

5. this term was coined by James Braid (8)

7. coined the term psychiatry (10)

8. a method used in the treatment of phobias where the person is directly exposed to the phobic stimulus, but escape is made impossible (8)


1. realistic thinking and planning about future unpleasurable events memory loss (12)

2. repetitive passage of feces at inappropriate time and/or place, after bowel control is physiologically possible (10)

6. ……..descibed the Guru-Chela relationship in the patient doctor interaction (6)



3. Introjection

4. Abreaction

5. Hypnosis

7. Johannreil

8. Flooding


1. Anticipation

2. Encopresis

6. Jsneki

By Dr Smitha Ramchandra, Resident, Department of Psychiatry K S Hegde Medical College.