
Awareness Reframe Assumption: Myths & Facts about Nicotine Abuse

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Volume 3 Issue 1 January, 2013

❌ Nicotine Abuse is seen only in Men

✅ Nicotine Abuse is seen not only in Men but also among women, children and adolescents

❌ Nicotine Abuse in the form non smokeless mode is safer

✅ Nicotine Abuse causes equal harm whether it is used in the smokeless form or by smoking.

❌ Nicotine Abuse is very common and unless a person develops a health problem, it is not necessary to Intervene

✅ Nicotine Abuse should always be addressed at earliest and patients should be educated, motivated for possible ways to quit nicotine , alternative ways to cope up with stress, relaxation & use of other pleasurable activities should be suggested.

❌ Nicotine Abuse is not associated with any physical harm, if it is the only issue with an Individuals health.

✅ Nicotine Abuse is closely associated with harm at every stage, with every puff and with all available form of use. It should be discouraged.

By Dr Sandeep Patil, PG Resident, Dept of Paediatrics, JSS Medical college Hospital