Volume-1 Issue-4 October, 2011
1. The Scientist who showed that ringing bell can lead to salivation in Dog, a conditioning experiment!
3. A pervasive developmental disorder
4. Delusion of Negation Ex: A persons claims that he is dead!
5. Teeth grinding in sleep
8. Disorder of sleep with sudden bout of daytime sleepiness with loss of muscle tone
2. A form of intestinal obstruction
3. Inability to experience pleasure
4. An Opioid antagonist
6. A patient may present with no speech at all, which is of recent onset
7. A drug named after Greek god of dreams
1. Pavlov
3. Autism
4. Nihilism
5. Bruxism
8. Narcolepsy.
2. Volvulus
3. Anhedonia
4. Naloxone
6. Mutism
7. Morphine